WordPress vs. Squarespace

October 13, 2021

WordPress vs. Squarespace

So, you're planning to build a website for your business, but you're confused between WordPress and Squarespace? Don't worry, we've got you covered. In this blog post, we'll compare WordPress and Squarespace in terms of pricing, features, ease of use, and more to help you make an informed decision.


One of the most significant factors to consider while choosing a website builder is pricing. Squarespace offers four pricing plans, starting from $12 per month to $40 per month. WordPress, on the other hand, is an open-source software that can be downloaded and used for free. However, you need to pay for hosting, domain, and premium themes and plugins. The pricing of WordPress can vary depending on your requirements.

Verdict: Squarespace is a better option if you're on a tight budget.

Ease of Use

Squarespace is known for its user-friendly interface and drag-and-drop editor that makes it easy to create a website even if you have no coding experience. WordPress, on the other hand, has a steeper learning curve, and you need to have some technical knowledge to get started. However, WordPress offers more customization options, and once you get the hang of it, you can create any type of website you want.

Verdict: Squarespace is a better option for beginners, while WordPress offers more flexibility.

Features and Functionality

Both WordPress and Squarespace offer a wide range of features and functionality. Squarespace has an impressive collection of templates and built-in features, including analytics, eCommerce, and email marketing. WordPress offers even more features and flexibility with thousands of free and premium themes and plugins that can add any functionality you want, including eCommerce, membership sites, social media integration, and more.

Verdict: WordPress wins when it comes to features and functionality.


Having a well-optimized website is crucial to rank higher on search engines and drive more traffic to your website. Squarespace has built-in SEO features, including metadata, sitemaps, and mobile optimization, but it's not as flexible as WordPress. WordPress has many SEO plugins, like Yoast SEO and All in One SEO that offer more control over your SEO efforts.

Verdict: WordPress is a better option for SEO.


Both WordPress and Squarespace offer extensive documentation and tutorials to help you build your website. Squarespace also offers 24/7 email support, while WordPress has a vast community of developers and users who can help you with any issues.

Verdict: Squarespace wins when it comes to support.


So, which one is better? The answer depends on your needs and priorities. If you want an easy-to-use website builder with limited customization options and are on a tight budget, Squarespace is a better option. However, if you're willing to invest more time and effort into building your website and want more customization and control, WordPress is the way to go.


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